Global Migration Legal Clinic
The Global Migration Legal Clinic focuses on the growing number of people across Asia who migrate from their home each year in search of better work opportunities. In Hong Kong alone, 10% of the working population are foreign domestic workers. The HK government has predicted that the number of said workers will grow to over 600,000 in a matter of decades. Moreover, because of ageing populations and diminishing growth, unskilled migrant workers are increasingly important to economies across Asia, with nations such as China, Japan, and South Korea recently enacting laws allowing unskilled migrants to work in-country.
Conversely, as the amount of labor migration increases, the instances of abuse also increase. There are more slaves and bonded workers in the world today than at any time prior, and the vast majority of these workers are found in Asia. Recent studies have shown that a majority of foreign domestic workers in HK have been abused or deceived in some fashion.
Students in this Clinic study and assist with specific legal casework and problems, and devise holistic solutions to migration problems. While our solutions often involve legal recourse or research of some kind, students in this Clinic also explore broader solutions, including: education and community legal empowerment, media and social media exposure, lobbying, commercial solutions, etc.
Our Clinic partners with Migrasia Global Solutions Limited and EmpowerU.